Our projects

Rwanda Hanga Akazi

Akazi Kanoze Access (AKA), in collaboration with Research Triangle Institute (RTI), is implementing the Rwanda Hanga Akazi project. The goal of Rwanda Hanga Akazi project is to foster transformative partnerships within Rwanda’s agriculture sector and related market segments. The project aims to create at least 19,000 jobs at partner firms and provide new or improved employment opportunities for at least 23,000 individuals.
Youth Entrepreneurship for the Future of Food and Agriculture (YEFFA) project

Akazi Kanoze Access (AKA), in partnership with the Rwanda Youth in Agribusiness Forum (RYAF), African Development Consultants (ADC), Youth Engagement in Agriculture Network (YEAN), Agribusiness Solutions Ltd (ABUSOL), and Empower Rwanda, is implementing the Youth Entrepreneurship for the Future of Food and Agriculture (YEFFA) project. From 2024 to 2027, YEFFA aims to unlock youth employment opportunities within agri-food systems in Rwanda's Eastern province. The project will mobilize and support 300,000 youth to register on a digital platform designed to consolidate youth engagement activities. Additionally, 34,148 youth will achieve dignified and fulfilling employment through skilling and incubation programs.


Develop and deliver business development support services to start-ups in 3 districts: Karongi, Rutsiro and Nyamasheke
The joint venture AKA, RODI, and HPA, in partnership with Enabel, is implementing tender RWA21002-10057. This project aims to develop and deliver business development support services to start-ups in the districts of Karongi, Rutsiro, and Nyamasheke. The goal is to promote self-employment by creating new businesses and empowering Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The project expects to establish 1,500 new business ventures through the support provided. This two-year tender is from 2024 to 2026.
Achieve and Work Ready Now

The King’s Trust Group is a global network of charities founded by HRH The Prince of Wales. They are active in 21 countries, both within the Commonwealth and beyond. In a rapidly changing world, they deliver education, employment, enterprise and environmental projects that enable young people and communities to thrive. Prince’s Trust International exists to tackle the global crisis of youth unemployment. AKA will implement the Achieve and Work Ready Now project in partnership with PTI in close collaboration with Youth YEGO centers in Bugesera, Kicukiro, Nyarugenge, Gasabo, Rulindo and Rwamagana districts.
Ubukerarugendo Imbere Project

Akazi Kanoze Access (AKA) with the support of the Rwanda TVET Board (RTB) implemented a project entitled “Support to Private Sector Development and Job Creation in Rwanda” The project aimed to enhance work readiness for 500 graduates from the tourism and hospitality sector with, equipping them with the skills necessary to secure employment. After nine months of implementation, 65% of the participants had secured jobs, while 35% were engaged in internships or starting their own businesses.
Promoting Employment Services in Kirehe

Under the financing agreement with GIZ, Akazi Kanoze Access (AKA) enhanced the capabilities of the Youth Empowerment Center for Global Opportunity (YEGO) in Kirehe to promote employment among refugees and the host community. This was achieved through various strategies, including job coaching and matching measures. Key activities included:
Capacity development for YEGO center staff and job coaches to better support job seekers.
Job matching sessions connecting job seekers with recruiting enterprises.
Mobile employment services to reach job seekers in remote locations.
Building Resilience in TVET Through E-Learning (BRITE)

Building Resilience in TVET Through e-Learning is a 2-year project (October 1, 2020 - September 30, 2022) funded by the MasterCard Foundation, through COVID-19 recovery and resilience program. It is implemented by Education Development Center, in close collaboration with Rwanda Polytechnic (RP) and Rwanda TVET Board (RTB) and in partnership with Akazi Kanoze Access (AKA) to reach 8 Integrated Polytechnic Regional Centers (IPRCs) and/or some TVET Schools, 40,000 students across levels 3-7 and 133 trainers. BRITE aims to Provide access for students to transferable employability skills through e-learning, to Increase capacity of trainers to integrate e-learning, and to Improve linkages between TVET trainings and workplace learning through e-coaching.
USAID Huguka Dukore AKazi Kanoze (HDAK) funded by USAID and implemented by EDC Inc.

Huguka Dukore is a five-year project which started in 2017 with the aim of providing forty thousand out-of-school Rwandan youths with market relevant employability skills. The project works with a target of connecting youths aged between 16 and 30 years who have between six and nine years of basic education with relevant job skills training, so they can find stable employment, start their own small businesses, or pursue further education. As a consortium member on the Huguka Dukore Project, AKA is responsible for training the trainers who will train the youths, but also ensuring the quality delivery of the trainings to the youths.
Skills Development and Employment Promotion Among Youth in Rwanda (SDEPAY)

Skills Development and Employment Promotion among Youth in Rwanda (SDEPAY) is a three-year project directly targeting 1,200 unemployed young people (60% of whom are women) to be supported through technical and soft skill trainings. Beneficiaries are expected to improve access to employment and thereby contribute to the well-being of their families. Plan International Rwanda (PIR) and Akazi Kanoze Access (AKA) will implement the project in 3 districts: Gatsibo, Nyaruguru and Bugesera.
USAID Umurimo Kuri Bose (UKB) Activity

Umurimo Kuri Bose Activity is a 2-year project (September 2020 – August 2022). UKB main objectives will be to Increase youth employability skills, empowerment, engagement and equity and to Promote an inclusive and enabling environment for youth with disabilities to access and succeed in employment. The project will address an inclusive eco-system for lasting results, by building upon the USAID Huguka Dukore Akazi Kanoze (HDAK)’s market driven skills and employment approach.
School-based entrepreneurship teacher, Educate! Exchange Program

In 2016, Educate! & Akazi Kanoze Access proposed to run a follow-up program to support the new Competence-Based Curriculum (CBC) for the entrepreneurship subject. This program would provide training for upper-secondary District Master Trainers (DMAST) in 10 districts and extend the CBC Entrepreneurship training support to 20 Entrepreneurship Subject Specific Leaders (SSL) teachers. The DMAST and SSL would be additionally facilitated to provide in-school support to entrepreneurship teachers in their sectors based on the E!Exchange model. Educate!’s goal is to focus on the new competence-based methods of the entrepreneurship curriculum, especially Skills Lab and Student Business Clubs.
Youth employability skills in Mahama refugee camp with Save the Children

In partnership with Save the Children, Akazi Kanoze Access have trained 205 refugee youth in work readiness. This training will equip graduates with the necessary skills and competencies to find and keep work, start small businesses, and become productive members of society. Some youth will additionally benefit from trainings in hair cutting, functional English literacy, and basic literacy and numeracy.
Youth skills development and job placement / self employment services with GIZ

Working with GIZ, Akazi Kanoze Access is continuing to innovate programs in conjunction with the flagship Work Ready Now Curriculum. JOC Rwanda and CEFOTRAR are partnering with AKA to provide 300 youths with relevant technical training and skills in welding, mechanics, masonry, carpentry, and hair dressing. Youth will continue to be supported in finding relevant internships, jobs, and self-employment opportunities.