akazi kanoze access (AKA)
AKAZI KANOZE ACCESS (AKA) is a charitable, social, non-profit, non-governmental, non-political organization seeking to provide youth with market-relevant livelihood skills, work readiness training and support, hands-on training opportunities, and linkages to the employment and self-employment job market.
AKA is formally registered with the Rwanda Governance Board (RGB) with the certificate No 66/RGB/NGO/2016.
Substance to Us
At Akazi Kanoze Access, we offer trainings empowering employability and careers services to young people with dynamic, interactive and friendly curriculums (Work readiness, Be Your Own Boss (Entrepreneurship skills), Grow Your Own Business, offer Post Training Business support, Voluntary savings and loaning (VSLA methodology) and youth carrier guidance services.
AKA provide limitless potential of our youngest citizens, empowering and developing youth for future national development actors.