Philbert Habintwari living in Gishamvu sector, Huye district Southern Province is one of Huguka Dukore Akazi Kanoze project graduate in GROW program, which is a program that helps young people to grow their business through trainings.
Philbert is an agent for MTN and Airtel telecoms and has been in business for three (3) years. He learned about GROW program through youth authorities in his sector, the trainings were through COCOF, an HDAK implementing partner. “I immediately searched for all the paper work and registered myself because any knowledge about growing my business is always interesting to me” said Philbert.
Philbert testifies that he has learned so many skills that have contributed in increasing his revenues. “I liked every course especially on how to separate my personal and business revenues, how to talk to customers and the importance of savings. I joined two saving groups in addition to one I was already part of and they have been so fruitful and helpful” Philbert added.
His savings have started to pay off; Philbert is now a bar owner in near his agent post.
“I opened this bar because of my savings I got from selling “Me2u” as we call it. With an amount of 70,000Rwf, I opened the bar and in the evening it is always packed. Can you imagine the day I buy a TV? Because that’s one of my plans too” Philbert said.

Philbert in his bar
To a bright future
His life has changed thanks to the skills he acquired during the trainings so much so he is planning to have two other shops in neighboring sectors. “When I started, it did not take me a long time to get customers because I was the only one person doing that business in this area. I plan to open other shops of Me2u in two neighboring sectors who do not have agents yet. Customers have to walk miles to come here but if I am close to them the business will keep booming” Philbert said. When he is talking about his dreams and hopes, he also shows determination to work towards those dreams.
Philbert advises other youth to start with anything small that works in the area they are in, as long as they have determination and goals they can make it work.