The group “KORA WIKORERE” meaning Work for Your own Progress; is made by 25 youth who received WRN & BYOB trainings at one of Huguka Dukore Akazi Kanoze’s Implementing Partners; UPHLS which means Umbrella of Disability Organizations promoting Health and Fighting HIV&AIDS among Persons with disabilities in Rwanda. The group is located in Gataraga sector, Musanze district.
After trainings the group decided to lent a land and start growing wheat. “During the trainings we learned so many useful skills like settings goals, financial smartness, saving among other lessons. We decided to grow wheat because it is one of the plantations that are favorable to our area” said Joseph one of the group member.
The members started their trainings from February to March in 2019, a month later they decided that every member would save 500 Rwf per month so that they can start practicing what they had learned.
Fruits of our labour
The group has now started to reap the first harvest after 9 months. They are happy that their efforts and skills they got from the trainings has paid off. “We are harvesting our first products and expect to obtain around 400,000 Rwf while we have only invested 100,000 Rwf, including 70,000 Rwf for the rental of land and 30,000 Rwf for the purchase of seeds and that is in 9 months only. You can imagine how proud we are” said Claudine one of the group members.
Besides the progress made in their group, their personal lives also have been changed for better. “I have now opened a bar in my neighborhood, even though I just started, the bar contributes a lot to my income and I am able to take care of my family. All that because I learned the importance of savings” added Claudine.
Setting goals is one thing and working towards them is another. Most youth are now aware that it takes work to achieve them. They are grateful to HDAK trainings for opening their minds and the youth at UPHLS are especially grateful for a program that is social inclusive to all.